Want a guaranteed ROI? Invest in yourself.

You know how they say that, "you have to spend money to make money"? Well, it's true. And it applies to investing in yourself as well.

If you're not learning or growing, you're stagnating and falling behind.

You need to invest in yourself so that you can increase your value as an employee or business owner. This will allow you to take on more responsibility and earn more money over time.

The best way to do this is by investing in people you want to learn from — whether it's an online course or a mentor who can teach you something valuable.

It's not about being perfect or even having the right answers—it's about making sure that what you're doing is right for you, and then trusting that it will work out.

You are a unique and powerful being. You have a mission to fulfill, a purpose to pursue, and a life to live.

What if you knew what that was? What if you could live your life in alignment with your true self? Would it make a difference in your life? Yes. Absolutely yes.

The only way to do this is by getting to know yourself better than ever before. It's not just about knowing what you like; it's about knowing what makes you tick—what makes your heart beat faster and your soul sing. It's about getting down to the core of who you really are so that when decisions come up, they're made with confidence based on truth instead of fear or uncertainty or some other less-than-ideal reason. And then, once we've gotten really good at identifying our true selves, we can use that knowledge to make decisions that are truly good for us—decisions that will support our growth and development as people who are living in alignment with their authentic selves.

Here's the thing: you can't just go out and buy a nice outfit or a new car, and expect everything to change. Sure, it might feel good for a little while—but then what? If you're not living your life with purpose, it's just going to be another distraction from the real stuff that matters. And that's not what we're about here at Soul School.

We believe in investing in yourself so that you can live in alignment. When you know who you are, what your values are, and how they fit together—you can start making decisions that feel right—that take care of your body, mind, and spirit—so they'll last long after the new outfit wears off.

We've got some great resources to help get started on this journey: check them out!

Sacred Rediscovering The Divine Feminine: A luxurious wellness retreat located among the rolling hills of the Sacred Valley. A 10-day 9 9-night ceremony with like-minded women discovering their power through tantric practices, yoga, breathwork, and indigenous cultural ceremonies such as temescal and despacho.


  • 5 Star Spa amenities

  • Ayahuasca Plant Ceremony

  • Farm-to-table food

  • Temescal

  • Amazing sisterhood

  • Mentorship from educated and experienced healers

Mother Mountain

Spiritual Teacher


Processing Shame Is A Huge Catalyst For Growth.


What to Pack for a Yoga Retreat