Aya-WHAT-Ska? What I Learned from Hosting a 10-day Tantra + Plant Medicine Retreat in Peru.

Tantra, Yoga, Butt-hole sun gazing, Ayauasca and more….

Hosting a women's tantra retreat has been a transformative experience that has taught me invaluable lessons about leadership, love, compassion, being grounded, and staying authentic. In this blog post, I will share the top four things I have learned throughout this incredible journey.

Spa days @ SACRED retreats. Ft. Basking Beauties


You gotta love what you do, because can't always understand what you mean when you speak, but they always feel what you say, how you say it and where you say it from.

Love is not just a romantic notion; it encompasses self-love, compassion for others, and the ability to foster deep connections. Through hosting SACRED, I learned that love is a powerful force that has the ability to heal and transform individuals. it has the ability to change the energy in the room. It is essential to cultivate an atmosphere of love and acceptance where participants can explore their desires, experience intimacy, and connect with their authentic selves.


Compassion is the cornerstone of any retreat. It involves understanding and empathizing with the challenges and experiences of others. Hosting a women's tantra retreat has taught me the importance of creating a space where participants can feel seen and supported, free from judgment.

I often share my own personal experience with many of the teachings, maybe it's a workshop we are about to do, or a moment that really fostered growth in an area in my life. I share my about my studies, travel, and experiences. I think sharing where you came from is just as important as sharing where you are at.

This level of compassion is a result of a deeper understanding and acceptance of ourselves, it allows for deep healing and growth, fostering an environment of acceptance and understanding for others.

SACREDS Facilitator Gina, demonstrating a workshop

Being Grounded

I found taking time in the morning to just be with myself, or permitting myself, fully, to step away from the group whenever I was overwhelmed or felt non-social. It truly is essential when facilitating a transformative experience like a all-womens-deeply transformative tantra retreat. It requires maintaining a calm and centred state of mind amidst the dynamic energy of the participants.

Personally, I would make sure I took plenty of time before bed to just be with myself, which allowed me to organize and prepare myself for the day to come.

Grounding techniques such as morning yoga, breathwork, walking barefoot, having some tea, connecting with nature help maintain balance and stability, ensuring a harmonious retreat.

SACRED Participant Shahar entering the Temezcal ceremony

Staying Authentic

Authenticity allows us to confront and integrate our shadow self, the parts of ourselves that we may have suppressed or disowned. By acknowledging and embracing all aspects of ourselves, including the less desirable ones, we can heal and grow holistically. Embracing our authenticity means accepting our imperfections and shadows, which leads to deeper self-awareness and healing.

Hosting this retreat reinforced the significance of staying authentic. The full embodiment of ourselves is the most powerful source, it creates a powerful connection with others as participants can sense when someone is genuinely being themselves, which gives them permission to then step into their authentic expression. It is crucial to embrace vulnerability, share personal experiences, and create an environment that encourages participants to do the same. Staying true to oneself allows for a deeper and more meaningful connection with the participants and creates a safe space for exploration and growth.

Co-founder of Soul School + Friends at Burning Man 2023

+Plus you have full permission to just be your lil-weirdo-self. ;)

Mother Mountain

Spiritual Teacher


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