Why DTE Girlies Are the Best

In a world where trends, fads, and superficiality often dominate, there's something truly special about a woman who is staying in her own lane and continuously finding peace and happiness. We call ‘em down-to-earth girlies DTEG, this archetype exists in us all, she is connected to the great mother, Earth, Pachamama. DTEG walks barefoot on the ground as if their feet kiss and hug the earth.

We all have parts of a psyche we call upon to not just handle but consciously own each experience. The DTEG, is the archetype that exists beside the maiden and the queen. Surrendering to the magic of each moment with tolerance, chill, grace, wit and humour. The part inside that is okay with everything and everyone. She can make light of dark situations, she is radically self-reliant and competent.

Her beauty isn’t her features, it’s the light that radiates from her eyes from living stress-free and in the present moment of magnetism.

Moments of discomfort pass easily as the DTEG knows that everything is changing, nothing is permanent. They possess a genuine and authentic charm that sets them apart from the crowd. Here are a few reasons why DTEG girls are undeniably the best.

Authentic AF

Down-to-earth girls radiate authenticity. They don't feel the need to put on a facade or conform to societal expectations. They are comfortable in their own skin and embrace their true selves, which is refreshing in a world full of pretense.

Approachable AF

Down-to-earth girls are approachable and welcoming. They have a warmth and friendly nature that makes others feel comfortable in their presence. They genuinely care about connecting with people and making them feel valued.

Humible AF

A DTEG is humble and doesn't boast about her achievements or seek validation from others. She acknowledges her strengths but remains grounded and doesn't let success get to her head. This humility is both inspiring and endearing.

Supportive Nature

Down-to-earth girls are known for their supportiveness. They genuinely cheer for others' success and encourage those around them. They are not threatened by others' accomplishments and instead offer a helping hand or a listening ear when needed.

Simple Pleasures

These girls find joy in the simplest of things. They appreciate the beauty of nature, the warmth of a genuine conversation, and the little moments that often go unnoticed. Their ability to find happiness in everyday life is incredibly uplifting and contagious.

Relatable AF

One of the most appealing aspects of down-to-earth girls is their relatability. They don't try to be something they're not, which makes them easily relatable to others. Their down-to-earth nature fosters deeper connections and meaningful conversations.

Balanced Priorities

Down-to-earth girls understand the importance of balance in life. They prioritize their health, relationships, and personal growth. They don't get caught up in materialistic pursuits or superficial trends but rather focus on what truly matters, creating a sense of stability and contentment.

Grateful AF

At the core of every DTEG is gratitude. They are appreciative of the little things in life and express gratitude for the people and experiences that have shaped them. Their gratitude cultivates a positive outlook and contributes to their overall happiness.

(I try to write with the least amount of arrogance, as I too label myself as a DTEG, but I think they need a lot more recognition. A humble charm can sometimes leave you standing in the corner at your own party)

In a world that is often influenced by superficiality and superficial values, DTEG’s shine bright with their authenticity, humility, and supportive nature. They remind us of the power of simplicity, relatability, and gratitude. So if you have a down-to-earth girl in your life, cherish her, for these qualities make her truly one of a kind.

Mother Mountain

Spiritual Teacher


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