Healing the Sister Wound with Soul School

Understanding the sister wound, recognizing it in yourself, & learning how to heal it in community

When a woman is powerful and assertive, she’s called bitchy. When she’s highly intuitive and connected to her spirituality, she’s called crazy. When she’s in touch with her emotions and has emotional intelligence, she’s called irrational. These toxic stereotypes have been pinned on women for years, and worse of all, we project them onto ourselves and other women.

Women are pitted against each other as early as the time we hit our middle school playgrounds. Childhood games and cliques show us the cruelty of exclusion. This feeling of not belonging then gets carried with us into our professional lives where the majority of us are made to feel we have to compete for a place in masculine dominant workforces. All throughout our lives, our worth is dwindled down to the superficial, from the gossip magazines we’re forced to face at the grocery register that compare women’s bodies to the reality dating shows where women compete against one another for a man’s attention. Somewhere along the road, we begin to feed into this toxicity by putting each other down as a coping mechanism to survive in a world that is constantly gaslighting us and putting us at war with each other. This is the root of the sister wound, and every time we bully one another and fight against each other as if there isn’t space for us all, we add salt to the collective wound.

The formation of the sister wound can be traced back to the European witch hunts, which were society’s way of undermining and villainizing our intuitive and divine gifts. The witch hunts were used to keep women in line and pin women against each other.  During the witch hunts, women were persecuted for practicing sacred feminine arts. The patriarchy was threatened by the power and magic we conjure when we gather, so we were conditioned to turn on one another, leading us to feel disconnected from each other and ourselves today. The quieting of the divine feminine throughout history has caused us to live out of alignment. What we’ve been told are our weaknesses are actually our strengths, and in understanding, recognizing, and healing the sister wound, we can get back in touch with them. 

The sister wound shows up in our lives in different ways:







Whenever we view another woman as the enemy, we are acting from this deep-seated wound, which is why healing must take place in community. There is so much power and alchemy in community. When we intentionally sit with other women, we come to recognize our own securities being reflected back to us. We realize – and remember – that we are all connected. We come to no longer see other women as competition, but as our support system, cheerleaders, and guides. 

Reclaiming Our Collective Feminine Power

At Soul School, we hold safe containers where you can feel vulnerable to tear down the walls you’ve built around yourself and discover your feminine power. Our supportive community allows you to feel safe to open up, dive deep, and look within so that you can experience radical acceptance of yourself and others. When you can feel seen, heard, and understood, that’s when healing happens.

Our Soul School sisterhood is built on deep emotional connections. Our retreats and yoga teacher trainings are places where you can meet and become inspired by other women. We’ve abandoned the idea that to be successful you have to step on someone’s back. Instead, we believe that becoming a divine boss happens when you’re surrounded by a community of strong females. It’s empowering to see other female leaders; they encourage us to open up to our full potential so that we can thrive. The women who join us go on to make lifelong soul connections that support their growth beyond the containers we hold. You can find many of our Soul School grads even teaching at our studio in downtown Toronto or working with us. When we come together, we can leverage each other’s talents. We really are stronger together. 

At Soul School, you’ll discover self love, embody self worth, and reprogram your subconscious mind so your life and reality can start reflecting your highest self instead of the self society told you to be. Together, we can connect back to and reawaken our intuition, creativity, and feminine nature through ceremony and intentional workshops, such as a womb wisdom workshop led by our sister and guide Jia La Rose. Soul School gives you the space to reclaim the power that was taken from you in the most powerful community there is: divine sisterhood.


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