How to Find Your Soul Tribe

5 ways to attract your soul tribe and build deeper, more soul satisfying relationships

Spiritually awakening comes with a lot of rude awakenings – one being that your old friends may no longer feel aligned with the path you’re headed on. One moment you’re talking about astral projection and the next your friends are looking at you like you have three heads. That’s when you realize that you wish you had a tribe that matched your vibe. A soul tribe.

A soul tribe is a community of people that are deeply connected to one another on a soul level. They’re people who are cosmically linked, brought here to help guide one another on the path towards enlightenment. When you go through a big change in your life, like a spiritual awakening, you may start to feel like your old friendships are no longer fulfilling you. And it’s not always because you’ve completely outgrown the people you thought would be in your life forever. It could be that you’re just now craving a different type of connection. One that can be felt on a soul level and that will help you live a more spiritually conscious life. 

How to know you’ve found your soul tribe

You’ll have many different tribes in your life built from your interpersonal relationships – family, childhood friends, work friends, etc – but a soul tribe feels different. Some signs you’ve met a soul friend include feeling instantly connected to them or getting the sense that you’ve met them before, and that’s probably because you have in a past life! Encountering a soul friend is like coming home. Your soul tribe is your spiritual family. You’re all spiritually bound and brought here together for a reason. 

Why you need a soul tribe

Finding your soul tribe is not just about finding your place in this life or making new friends. It’s about raising your vibration and the vibration of the greater collective. You and your soul tribe have a soul contract to support one another, lift each other up, and make the world a better place. Magical things happen when spiritually aligned people gather. Just look at the movement we’ve started with Soul School! We began bringing women together to help them step into their power and those women have continued to go out in the world and make waves, leading their own retreats and offerings, becoming catalysts for more communities and soul tribes to form. Who you surround yourself with is a reflection of you, so make sure to surround yourself with the version of yourself and the future you want to see. 

5 ways to attract your soul tribe:

1. Get clear on your values

To attract people in your life who share the same values as you do, you first need to get clear on what those values are. Meditate on what matters to you, visualize what you want your life to look like, and get clear on your purpose. As your own path reveals itself, you’ll call in the souls that you’re meant to be here with and in turn, you’ll help each other remember why you’re here. Getting clear on your values will also make it easier to recognize the relationships that are no longer serving you and your purpose, letting you know when it’s time to take a step back from a connection that has outlived its time. 

2. Show up as yourself 

Once you’ve gotten clear on your values, you need to embody those values. Don’t be afraid to show up authentically all day, every day, even if it feels like you’re out of place or misunderstood. If you pretend to be someone you’re not to fit in, you’re going to continue to find yourself surrounded by people who aren't on the same page as you. Showing up feels scary because it means being vulnerable, but you have to share the real you to give people the chance to see, accept, and understand you. Show up unapologetically yourself and the people who are going to love you for you will appear.

3. Be open to meeting new people

If you tell yourself that you’ll never find your soul tribe, then you’ll close yourself off from opportunities of meeting them. It’s like putting your phone on airplane mode. Shutting down the idea that you’re able to meet and connect with new people can block you from receiving those connections. We know making new friends as an adult can feel hard, but it’s only hard if you let yourself believe it to be so. We’ve seen firsthand at our retreats, trainings, and gatherings how quickly strangers can become family. You just have to trust that your people are out there. When you allow yourself to be open to meeting new people, you also make space for those people to come to you. Sometimes we don’t find our soul friends. They find us. However, we have to be open to the connection.

4. Get involved in communities you’re interested in

If it feels like you’ve been searching for your soul tribe to no avail, you may be looking in the wrong places. You’re going to find the people who resonate with you in communities centered around the things you’re interested in. So go to those workshops, trainings, classes, or retreats you’ve been eyeing – even if you don’t have anyone to go with at first. Those are the places where you’ll be likely to meet like minded people who can then introduce you to more events, meetups, and opportunities, expanding your social circle. Getting involved in the communities you’re interested in will also help you learn more about yourself so you can become more aligned with the person you want to be and the people you want to be surrounded by. 

5. Travel to put yourself out there

A soul tribe knows no border, so when you’re feeling called somewhere, don’t question it; just go. There’s no doubt about it that your soul tribe is out there, so maybe you haven’t met them yet because you haven’t wandered far enough. Staying put when you have an inkling to go out and explore will not only stunt your own spiritual growth, but it can also prevent you from crossing paths with your soul friends. Going on a solo trip or attending a retreat are perfect ways to put yourself out there and connect with a new community of people. There are so many amazing spiritual and wellness retreats out there literally designed to help people form deeper connections with themselves and others. Our Peruvian Soul Retreat always provides the perfect container for creating long lasting bonds, healing the sister wound, and uniting like souls. So hop on that place and put yourself out there. That trip you’ve been dreaming about just may be where you meet your new best friend, mentor, or business partner.


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