Investing in Your Future 101 - For the Modern Day Girl

Ways to set yourself up to be spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and financially wealthy!

Investing in yourself is the greatest investment you can make, but what exactly does it mean to invest in yourself? When people talk about investing, they often are referring to growing monetary wealth. However, thinking only in terms of financial return creates a limited vision of what wealth is. We’ve been taught to think that wealth only refers to financial and material assets, but wealth is so much more than this. Wealth is also time, freedom, happiness, health, and wisdom. Real wealth looks like abundance in all areas of your life, so investing in yourself should involve taking the steps to grow your capacity to receive and have all these things.

Investing in your future is not just about how you invest your money; it’s also about how you invest your time and energy. You have to look at yourself and ask “how are the things I’m doing now going to benefit me in the future?” Maybe you have goals you’re currently working toward or maybe you’ve come to the realization that you’re not happy with your life. Whatever the case may be, the only way you’ll be able to create the shifts you want to see down the road is by taking the steps to get there starting today. Picture your dream life. Are the decisions and actions you’re making now – financially, spiritually, mentally, and physically – aligned with the vision you have of who you want to be? To invest in yourself, you need to focus on improving yourself and seeking out opportunities for personal development and spiritual growth.

Not sure where to start? Here are some ways you can start investing in your future so you can become more spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and financially wealthy!

Define what you want

What are your goals? What does a happy and fulfilling life look like to you? These should be easy questions, but many of us have a hard time answering them. We’ve let society dictate what we should want and who we should be for so long that we’ve become disconnected from our true selves. Investing in your future starts by getting to know your inner self deeper. Unplug from the matrix and reconnect with who you are, whether that be by meditating or going on a retreat. Taking the time to connect with self will help you avoid those midlife crises moments down the road where you suddenly look at your life and have no idea how you ended up where you are. Get clear on your passion and purpose now so that you can stop moving in the wrong direction and actually take proactive steps toward the future you want to build. Want to be able to travel the world and work from anywhere? Well, staying at that 9-5 office job that sucks the life out of you probably isn’t going to get you there. Look ahead at where you want to be and consider what courses you can take, skills you can learn, and connections you can make now to get there. Defining what it is exactly that you want will empower you to be in control of your own life so you can make smarter and more confident decisions that contribute to your highest good.

Shed limiting beliefs

If you don’t think your dream life is possible or don’t feel worthy, then you’re not going to invest in the things needed to make it happen. Limiting beliefs cause us to put up barriers that prevent us from going after the things we want. Those negative, narrow thoughts distract you from your potential and lower your vibrational frequency, which can make success and happiness feel difficult or impossible. Limiting beliefs feed the toxic, unproductive habits that keep you stuck where you are, so if you’re ever going to move forward, you need to overcome your limiting beliefs

Heal your relationship with money

Almost all of us have probably struggled with a toxic relationship with money at some point in time. It’s hard not to feel held back by money living in a capitalist society that attaches worth to a dollar sign. In order to get out of a scarcity mindset where you’re constantly discouraged by the feeling of never having enough, you must begin to look at money as a form of energetic currency. Both what you think about money and your spending habits influence how money flows to you. To heal your relationship with money and adopt an abundance mindset, you need to reframe how you look at money and what you spend your money on. Invest your money in things that are important to you and will benefit you and allow yourself to celebrate and enjoy what money can give you. For example, if you’ve always wanted to do your yoga teacher training, but haven’t taken the leap because of the cost, you’re letting your relationship with your finances get in the way of your future. Instead of looking at signing up as losing assets, focus on all that you’ll be gaining from the training – more experience, more knowledge, more resources, another potential stream of revenue, etc. Money doesn’t always leave you with less. It can actually give you more. It all depends on your mindset around how you approach spending.

Stop making excuses

There’s always going to be an excuse to get in the way. I don’t have enough time. I don’t have enough money. I don’t have enough experience. However, if you waited for the conditions to be perfect to go after your dreams, you’d be waiting forever. Invest in your future by taking the leap even if you don’t have it all figured out yet. Imagine you’re the future self you’re working towards. Would that person hesitate or would they unabashedly go for it?

Be selective with your time

Time is another form of energy, so take a look at where you’re investing your time and where it’s being wasted. All those late nights spent scrolling on Instagram is time that could be better spent doing things that’ll get you to where you want to go, like learning a new skill. If it feels like you never have the time to do what you want to do, take careful inventory of where you allocate your time in the same way that you’d track your spending when you’re trying to save money. When you recognize and honour the value of your time, you make better use of your time.

Upgrade your lifestyle

The habits that make up your lifestyle will determine your future. Think of the quote by Lao-Tze: "Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny."  The things you do on a daily basis can either be a detriment or investment in your future. Start living like the highest version of yourself now and you’ll become that person quicker. Want to be more grounded and self-aware? Start meditating and doing yoga. Want to make new friends? Go to meet-ups or gatherings in your community. Be conscious of how your day to day actions are contributing to your future. 

Remember it’s never too late to start again

The system has us fooled into thinking we need to know what we want to do by 18, go to college or university, enter the workfield, and then that’s it. This leads us to feel like we’re too old or crazy for wanting to start over. The truth is, though, it’s never too late to start again. There’s never a wrong time to change your mind, reroute your path, and try something new. As long as you’re open and willing, you’ll always have the capacity to continue learning, growing, and expanding your limits.

Nourish your body, mind, and soul

How are you going to enjoy the future you’re creating for yourself if you’re sick and burned out? And how are you going to stay motivated to get there if you’re not enjoying the ride? To properly invest in your future, you also need to invest in your overall health, happiness, and well-being because you’ll never get to where you’re going if you don’t prioritize yourself. Know that self care and doing things just for joy are productive and worthwhile investments because they keep you spiritually satisfied and fulfilled. When you are healthy, happy, and thriving, you’ll attract more positivity in your life. So nourish your body, mind, and soul with the things that lift you up without feeling guilty. Travel, spend time with loved ones, eat nourishing foods, move your body, make art…Your future self will thank you. 

How We Set You Up for Success at Soul School

Investing in your future means taking steps toward the person you want to become. Here at Soul School, we support those who are looking to live a life that’s more in alignment with their soul purpose, as well as those wanting to pursue a career in the healing arts. We provide you with the spiritual practices, tools, and community to not just grow professionally, but to thrive as a living soul so you can make the transition from the life you’re living now to the life you want with confidence and ease. 


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