Monday Affirmations for a High Vibe Week

50 affirmations to help you honour the moon day

If you cringe when you hear someone say ‘Happy Monday’, we get it. Mondys get a bad rep and can often feel like the butt of the week. If your work week starts on a Monday, when Monday rolls around, it can feel like stepping into the harsh fluorescent lights outside a theatre after enjoying a really good movie. The fun and games have ended and now it’s time to get back to reality. Time to rise and grind. But Monday is actually not a day for hustling. It’s a day for slowing down and resting because it’s the moon day. Mondays are ruled by the moon and all her flowy, sensitive, and introspective energies. She calls on us to be reflective and settle into our nurturing feminine energy, things hustle culture definitely does not tell us to do at the start of the week. So if you needed more reason to believe there’s something seriously wrong with the typical Monday to Friday, 9 to 5, work routine, there it is. 

Though it’s not always possible to take our time and completely retreat on Mondays, we can still honour the cosmic energy at play. Carving out time for yourself to be still, even if it’s just spending 10 minutes in the bath in the evening, can make Mondays feel less heavy. And when you need that extra energy boost to fill up your cup on Monday mornings, affirmations can do the trick. Positive affirmations can rewire the brain and help you change your outlook in life, so you’ll start to find more joy and ease even on the hardest of Mondays. 

Here are 50 affirmations to use for a high vibe week:

  1. My heart and mind are open to receive all new opportunities that come my way this week.

  2. I strive for progress and growth, not perfection.

  3. I create a work life that inspires me.

  4. I let go of things out of my control.

  5. I am a magnet for success and abundance.

  6. I am deserving of rest.

  7. I look forward to the new experiences this week will bring.

  8. I’m starting this week refreshed and renewed.

  9. I am grateful for another day to slay.

  10. I am committed to showing up as the best version of myself this week.

  11. Today I am choosing peace over anything else.

  12. What happened last week is already in the past. I start this week with a clean slate.

  13. I promise to meet myself exactly where I am.

  14. Everything I do today leads to a better tomorrow.

  15. I choose to start this week with positivity.

  16. I choose to seek out the good today.

  17. I will ask for help this week if I need it. It’s not a sign of weakness, but a sign of self-respect.

  18. My worth is not defined by what I get done this week.

  19. I honour my journey and move at my own pace.

  20. My only competition is myself.

  21. It’s okay to make mistakes. It’s how I grow.

  22. I breathe in calm and confidence. I exhale stress and doubt.

  23. I don’t have to linger in places that drain me.

  24. I have everything I need to succeed this week.

  25. I leave room for miracles in my week.

  26. I strive for happiness, not perfection.

  27. My life is not a race.

  28. Saying no is an act of self-care

  29. There is room for me at the table.

  30. Today I celebrate how far I’ve come.

  31. I accept that I don’t have to do it all right now.

  32. My happiness, health, and well-being are my top priorities.

  33. Rest is productive.

  34. It’s okay to take a break.

  35. I work to live, not live to work.

  36. I will give this week my best.

  37. I accept that my best this week may look different than last week.

  38. Being successful is easy for me.

  39. I will prioritize how I feel this week.

  40. I make time for myself without feeling guilty.

  41. I am proud of this  life I’m creating.

  42. I am deeply fulfilled by the things I do.

  43. I am entering this week motivated and inspired.

  44. Every day is a new opportunity to create the life I want for myself.

  45. I’m rewarded for my hard work.

  46. I am prepared for whatever this week throws my way.

  47. This is going to be an amazing week.

  48. I am excited by the new opportunities this new week will bring.

  49. I embrace new beginnings with grace.

  50. I am the CEO of my life.


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