13 Practices to Tap Into Your Divine Feminine

Embodiment Practices to Awaken Your Divine Feminine

The concept of divine masculine and feminine energies is a core teaching to many cultural, religious, and spiritual practices. In yogic philosophy, these divine masculine and feminine energies take the form of Shiva and Shakti. Shiva is the unmoving masculine energy. He is absolute consciousness. Shakti is the activating feminine energy. She is fluid, abundant, protective, and personified as a goddess in Hinduism. These divine sacred energies represent opposite and equal qualities that exist within us all. They are not gendered or limited by binaries, but rather have to do with complimentary cosmic energies, like yin and yang. The masculine and feminine are constantly in flux, working together to create harmony. And in a world ruled by masculine traits – like rigidity, structure, linearity, division – we are seeing and feeling the consequences of disharmony. We are being called on to tap into the divine feminine, to awaken to our wholeness, so we can change the world.

The Rise of the Divine Feminine

We are currently experiencing a global shift in consciousness toward the embracing of the divine feminine. Our patriarchal society’s preoccupation with power and dominance has led to systemic patterns of abuse, oppression, and burnout, and we are realizing this old way of operating is no longer working. In response to these imbalanced systems, more and more people are feeling the desire and need to tap into the power of the feminine. In an effort to rebalance, there has been a reclamation of feminine qualities like flow, joy, collaboration. The rise of the divine feminine comes as a cure for the wounds we have been nursing both personally and collectively.

Embracing Your Feminine Energy

Anyone can tap into the divine feminine. Embracing feminine energy has nothing to do with gender or sex. It’s about allowing yourself to soften and tune into divine feminine energy – the energy of creation, empathy, and interconnectedness. Embracing your feminine energy means letting yourself experience joy, pleasure, ease. A woman who stands in her divine feminine essence shines because she stands in the fullness of her power. She unapologetically celebrates and reclaims all the qualities that society had deprioritized and deemed weak.

13 Feminine Embodiment Practices to Tap Into Your Divine Feminine

1. Make time for rest

The masculine’s action-oriented tendency is necessary for productivity, but when in overdrive, can lead to burnout and fatigue. Tapping into the divine feminine requires you to slow down and just be. Being in your feminine challenges notions that we need to constantly be working or achieving. Creating time to pause and reflect can help you shift your mindset and relationship toward rest, so that you may begin to view rest as productive and worthwhile. Allow yourself to just be. Be still, be present, be receptive, so you can receive. Resting and relaxing may look like sitting in meditation for 5 minutes or turning your phone off for an entire day. Surrender, be patient, and allow yourself to take a step back from the external world so that you can connect deeper to your internal world.

2. Get creative

The feminine represents creative energy. It’s all about curiosity, play, imagination, and releasing your inner child. You can channel and harness this creative energy by expressing yourself and doing activities that let you utilize your creativity. Cook a new recipe, paint, write a poem, sing, dance – whatever helps you lean into your creative side.

3. Embrace sensuality and pleasure

To celebrate divine femininity is to celebrate your sensuality. Prioritize self care and do what makes you feel good. Embracing sensuality and pleasure is about more than just sexuality. It’s about connecting more deeply to your body and physical sensations. Activate your senses and indulge in pleasure. Light a candle, move your body, get a massage, touch yourself. Learn what turns you on and makes you feel good without guilt. Becoming embodied will help you build safety and trust within yourself.

4. Fill your space with yin energy

Infuse your home with yin energy so you can have a sacred space to retreat to. Yin represents the feminine. It’s a symbol of introspection, darkness, and quiet. You can nurture your home with this energy by bringing in soft textures and lines and warm lighting. Bringing yin energy into your home will allow you to create a soothing space that supports restoration and ease. 

5. Listen to and trust your intuition

The divine feminine possesses a profound connection to intuitive energy, so practice listening to and trusting your intuition and being receptive. Open yourself up to the information coming from within. Notice synchronicities. Keep a dream journal. Tap out so you can tap further in. When you learn to listen to your inner wisdom and guidance, you sharpen your emotional intelligence and ability to take intuitive action. 

6. Align with the cycles of the moon

There’s a reason women have gathered for centuries in alignment with the phases of the moon. We are cosmically connected with the moon through our menstrual cycles, which mirror the moon’s own 28 day cycle. The moon is a symbol of the divine feminine, of cyclical change, of our inner worlds. Lunar cycles remind us of the cyclical nature of life, encouraging us to honour our own phases, emotions, and fluctuations. To commemorate these transformations and harness this divine energy, you can perform a moon ceremony alone or in community. New and full moons are potent times to reconnect with our inner magic and set intentions, transmute, and manifest.

7. Explore Tantra

Tantra is a form of yoga that focuses on attuning to the energetic body. In Sanskrit, the word ‘tantra’ means to weave. Tantra yoga is about weaving the spiritual with the physical. It’s about celebrating the body as a physical manifestation of our spiritual nature through heightened sensitivity. Tantra yoga is commonly associated with tantric sex, but consists of a variety of practices that cultivate internal connection, such as breathing, meditation, and visualization.

8. Try Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini yoga is all about awakening shakti or kundalini energy. Kundalini derives from the Sanskrit word ‘kunda’, which means circular or coiled. Like a snake, this energy is thought to be coiled at the base of the spine, and by unravelling it, you activate shakti, liberating the divine feminine. Kundalini yoga consists of repetitive movement, poses, breath, chanting, and sacred mantras that focus on arousing creative energy and helping you feel the energy move through you. 

9. Give yourself a breast massage

A breast massage is the perfect pleasure practice to build trust and comfort in your body and connect to your feminine essence. A breast massage brings energy and attention to the breasts, activating and opening your heart space, which encourages feelings of love and acceptance. Dedicate sacred time and space to oil up and cultivate a loving and appreciative connection to your body through this sensual practice.

10. Spend time in nature

Mother nature is the pure physical embodiment of feminine energy. She is the ultimate provider, creator, and sustainer, and when we spend time in nature, we connect back to this powerful creative energy we also possess inside ourselves. Sit by the water, let your feet touch the earth, hug a tree and allow yourself to witness, notice, and feel the energy that greets you.

11. Create rituals and sacred space

Carve out intentional time to connect to self, spirituality, and source through rituals and sacred space. Be it through a morning meditation practice, bedtime journaling, or solo date nights, this sacred time you create for yourself will help ground and empower you. Performing a ritual is an act of devotion and grace toward yourself and whatever higher power you resonate with. Rituals are also a great way to align with the elements and connect back to Mother Earth.

12. Examine and the heal sister wound

Society has always tried to dim and repress the divine feminine by polarizing us. Women have been pinned against each other and made to view one another as competition to make us forget our pure divine nature. This is where the sister wound stems from: from us being made to work against one another rather than with each other. Healing the sister wound begins by acknowledging it exists and recognizing the harmful coping mechanisms you may have developed (judgement, criticism, comparison) to survive in this patriarchal society. When we begin to shed the layers we’ve put up, we steer away from the conditioning we’ve been programmed to toward perfectionism and control. We can begin to practice meeting ourselves and each other with more vulnerability and an open heart. Sitting in ceremony with other women, sharing in each other’s pain and light, reminds us of the power we hold together. 

13. Womb awakening embodiment

The womb is the epitome of creation energy; it’s the portal for new life. As a womb holder, connecting to your monthly bleed and the significance it holds can awaken you to the divine feminine wisdom you carry and the intuitive powers you possess to create and heal. However, you don’t need to be a womb holder to practice womb healing. Womb awakening embodiment is not just about female reproductive organs. It’s about recognizing the womb as an energetic space that holds and stores imprints from past relationships and our ideas of love and sex. Womb healing involves giving presence to this space, acknowledging its power and importance, and the personal and ancestral trauma we carry in relation to it. Womb awakening practices can help you release any feelings of pain, repression, discomfort, or guilt you associate with your sensual and creative energy centre - the sacral chakra. 

Lean on the power of sisterhood to awaken to your divine feminine essence!

Wanting to connect deeper with yourself and other women as you learn to honour the sacredness of the divine feminine? Join us on our upcoming Peru Ayahuasca Retreat: SACRED. Sacred is a retreat for all female identifying humans who are desiring a more profound and sacred relationship with mind, body, and soul. We will gather in the mountains of The Sacred Valley to sit in ceremony, learn from one another, and remember our inherent power together. You will reclaim your inner goddess and celebrate your divine feminine essence through a variety of practices, such as:

  • Feminine embodiment practices

  • Sacred sexality and tantric practices

  • Kundalini yoga and sacred mantra

  • Shadow work through embodiment

  • Womb awakening embodiment

  • Goddess ritual and ceremony

Book now to join us February 1-10 2024!


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