Knowing when it’s time to quit your job

Hustle culture is OUT baby and quitting your job to follow your dreams is IN!

Chances are if you’re musing over quitting your job, scouring the internet for the right sign, then it’s probably time to quit. We were raised to think there was only one path in life we could follow: go to school, get a job, and work until retirement. But we’re here to remind you that you don’t need to follow those rules. There are other ways of doing things, and it’s never too late to start over (and over and over). 

For a long time, it was the norm to just stay in a job you hate. However, in recent years, society has seen a massive wave of people reevaluating their careers and leaving their jobs. We’ve become disillusioned by the way we were told things are supposed to be and are fed up with feeling unsatisfied, unhappy, and unfulfilled. Yes, quitting your job can be scary and intimidating, but many are realizing the alternative is worse. Staying at a job that doesn’t feed your soul feels like wasting your life away working toward nothing. 

One of the biggest fears that stops people from leaving jobs they don’t like is the threat of instability. If you have some money saved though, it’s worth it to take the leap, even if you don’t have another job lined up already. You don’t need to have it all figured out yet, and stepping away from something that’s draining will actually give you more space and time to get clear on your next steps. Quitting your job gives you the perfect opportunity to take some time to travel and do some soul searching. Many of the souls who join us on our Soul School retreats come to us at a fork in the road. They come hoping to hit restart. They come seeking answers. And it’s when they allow themselves the time and space to slow down that they experience those aha moments and their true soul mission becomes clear.

It’s always hard letting go, but holding on to something that’s getting in the way of your happiness and abundance hurts more. If you feel stuck or stifled in your job, quitting is the first step you need to take to get closer to your dream life, whether you want to pursue that side hustle full time, follow your dreams of becoming a yoga teacher, or just want to explore what else is out there. We’ve never seen a person look back after choosing themself. If your gut is telling you to quit, it’s time to quit. If you spend your workday daydreaming about the life you wish you could live, it’s time to quit. If you’ve already written your resignation letter in your head, it’s time to quit. And if you still need convincing, here are 5 signs you’re ready for the next step!

5 Signs You’re Ready to Quit Your Job

You feel unmotivated

When was the last time you felt excited to go to work? If you can’t remember, you’re probably not doing soul-aligned work. Yes, there are days where we all feel a bit tired or unmotivated, but if the majority of your days feel like an uphill battle, your job is no longer serving you and your highest good. If it feels like you have to force yourself to go to work or finish a task, you’re not only misusing your energy, but also not going to be producing the best work because your heart isn’t fully in it. And you best be sure that if you’re living out of alignment in your career, that heavy energy is bleeding into other areas of your life. When a job is aligned with your passions, it won’t even feel like work. You’ll be more dedicated, committed, and see growth not just professionally, but personally too.

You’re no longer growing 

Maybe you loved your job and were on your way up, but then your trajectory plateaued. It’s possible to outgrow a position or environment that we once felt aligned with, and if that’s the case, you need to honour the fact that you may just need more space to grow. If you’re feeling stagnant in your job, it’s probably time to start looking for places where you can spread your wings and expand.

You’re burned out

There are many signs of burnout to watch out for - forgetfulness, using drugs or alcohol to make it through the day, withdrawing from responsibilities, the list goes on and on. Being overloaded and overworked isn’t sustainable for your health, wellbeing, or productivity. Not only does constant stress not only make everyday life hard, but it also takes a toll on your health and can lead to exhaustion, anxiety, depression, and even a lowered immune system. Plain and simple, if you’re experiencing a constant cycle of burnout at your job, your job is slowly killing you. Get out!

You don’t have time for the things you love

Is your job making it hard to prioritize the things you love? Does it feel like you never have time to spend with your family and friends or do the activities you enjoy? A job should give you the financial support to do the things you love, so if you don’t even have time for those things at the end of the day, what’s the point? Being in a role that allots you a healthy work-life balance is essential for your productivity and happiness. 

Your skills and talents are underutilized/undervalued

Your energy is currency and you should both invest it wisely and be compensated for it fairly. Your workplace should recognize and celebrate your skills and talents. When you can co-create with the people you’re working with, everyone wins and grows. This also allows you to actually be proud of the work you’re doing. Work environments that value complementary relationships and understand that work is an exchange operate from a place of love rather than ego. 


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