Tips for First Time Travellers (Or Solo Travellers)

10 Essential Tips for Embarking on a New Adventure Alone

It’s the night before your flight, you’re packing, and almost shitting yourself with excitement – and fear – over the adventure waiting for you on the horizon. Maybe it’s your first time travelling alone or maybe it’s your first time leaving the country EVER. Whichever the case, the thrill and uncertainty of what’s to come have been both pumping you up and terrifying you leading up to this moment – and right now the terror is winning.

Being a first time traveller or solo traveller is overwhelming. Even for those who have travelled many times before in groups, the idea of embarking on an adventure alone can still feel daunting. On the days leading up to your trip, the anxiety may feel like enough to talk you out of going, but we’re here to tell you that what’s waiting on the other side is going to be worth it. So take a deep breath and keep reading. We have some tips for you that’ll make your impending travel plans feel less scary. 

First of all, we want to commend and congratulate you on having the motivation to take this leap. Travel is a direct road to personal growth and spiritual development. As you discover new cultures, sights, sounds, and tastes, you’ll also discover new parts of yourself. Choosing to venture out of your comfort zone into the unknown can be intimidating, especially when you’re doing it on your own, but the lessons you’ll learn and memories you’ll make along the way will be unforgettable. And you’ll never be fully alone. You have a community of people who’ve taken the leap before you and now have a wealth of experience and knowledge to share. Here are some of the most helpful tips we’ve gathered from our own travels to pass along to you so you can get the most out of your first trip or solo travel adventure!

1. Go on a retreat

Joining a retreat is a great segue into solo travel because it comes with a built-in community. On a retreat, you’ll meet people with similar interests as you and be immersed in a supportive space where you can focus on what you want to get out of your journey. If you’re travelling with the hopes of initiating a spiritual transformation, a wellness retreat is the perfect place to start as it’ll provide you with specific classes, workshops, day trips, and experiences that encourage self discovery. Many wellness retreats, like our Peruvial Soul Retreat, are designed to help you connect with yourself, which will allow you to feel more confident and empowered as a first time traveller. In the process, you’ll also develop long-lasting, meaningful bonds with the other people in the retreat, some of which may even become your future travel buddies! While you’ll have the comfort and safety of having an itinerary already set out for you on your retreat, many retreats also offer free time so you’ll still have the chance to explore on your own. And when you ever have questions or need a shoulder to lean on, the retreat guides, healers, and shamans are there for you. 

2. Stay in a hostel

A hostel is another great place to meet other solo travellers. If you’re craving company and social experiences on your travels, a hostel is the place to be since many hostels host events, workshops, and socials for guests to connect. The shared living accommodations make it easy to meet new people. Plus, you’ll have access to onsite support, help, and resources from the hostel staff.

3. Put yourself out there

When you’re feeling scared or shy, your first tendency may be to close yourself off, but this will also close you off to new possibilities and opportunities, making things harder when travelling alone. Challenge yourself to come out of your shell and be vulnerable. Say hi to the person reading the same book as you on the beach. Go on that excursion your new friend at the hostel invited you on. When you put yourself out there, you open the doors for unexpected connections and magical experiences to occur. 

4. Trust your gut

If something feels off or shady, then it probably is. Listening to your gut will help you make safe and aligned decisions. Exercise situational intelligence and street smarts. Feel things out and always trust what your gut is telling you. Your gut can help steer you away from potentially dangerous situations or being taken advantage of or scammed. 

5. Lean on your spiritual practice

Though it’s easy to fall out of daily habits when you're travelling, your spiritual practice can be your best friend when on the road. Your spiritual practice is like an anchor, grounding you whenever you feel lost, overwhelmed, and lonely. And when you’re missing home, your spiritual practice will remind you that home is always inside of you. Whatever it is that helps you connect to home within, such as meditation, sacred objects, journaling, it’s worth carving out some time to devote to these practices while travelling. These practices will provide you with clarity and comfort and help you reflect on and synthesize your experiences. 

6. Do your research

You can never be too prepared while travelling. Doing your research beforehand will give you a better idea of what you’re getting into, helping to ease your mind and whatever worries are holding you back. When you feel equipped, you'll be more confident when navigating a new place. Gathering information about your destination, the customs, culture, required travel documents, and best practices, will help you better respect the land that you’re visiting so that you may travel more ethically, sustainably, and intentionally. 

7. Connect with seasoned solo travellers 

There is an international community of solo travellers at your disposal who have felt and gone through the same things you are now. This community can provide you with support, encouragement, recommendations, and companionship on your journeys. What better way to do your research than by getting the information first-hand? If there’s a network of travellers in your city doing a meet-up, then go and make connections! Located in Toronto?  Keep an eye out for whenever we do meet-ups and gatherings in downtown Toronto! The Soul School team and our alums are always down to talk about travel. 

8. Set intentions

What do you want to get out of your trip? Gain? Explore? See? Do? Setting intentions around your travel plans will keep you on track and bring more meaning into your experiences. It’s easy to become overwhelmed when travelling because there’s so much to see and do. However, you can’t do it all and if you try to, you’ll be left feeling drained. Travel with intention to get the most out of your experiences and to ensure that what you’re doing is aligned with your goals and desires.

9. Pack light

One of the most common rookie traveller mistakes is overpacking. You will almost always need less than you think. When packing, stick to the essentials. Travelling light makes it easier to get around and gives you more freedom if you happen to change your route. Remember that you can do laundry and always buy little things that you end up needing as you go. There’s no need to be weighed down – physically, mentally, and spiritually – by things you don’t need. 

10. Leave room for miracles

As tempted as you are to plan everything down to the second, it’s important to leave room for miracles because this is where the real adventure happens. Yes, having a plan provides you with safety and structure to lean on when you’re alone, but allowing for some level of spontaneity will keep you engaged and excited. Let yourself wander, get lost, and romanticize the simple things. For example, if you set aside a day to spend doing nothing at the beach, you may stumble upon a beach party you didn’t know about that ends up becoming the highlight of your trip. Surrendering some control will keep you on your feet and open you up to beautiful experiences that you wouldn’t have if you didn’t take the time to pause, look, and listen. 


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