How to Harness Your Energy

8 ways to harness your energy so you can truly tap into your hidden superpowers

If you have an inkling that you’re more magical than the world has led you to believe, you’re right. You’ve got some seriously extraordinary untapped powers bubbling inside you – we’re talking Harry Potter type shit – you just haven’t been taught how to use them. Luckily, Soul School is here to be your Hogwarts. We want to help you discover the true capacity of your powers and teach you how to harness your energy because we know you’re capable of remarkable things.

Learning how to harness your energy is not some new age phenomenon. It’s something that has been practiced, performed, and mastered for ages. Ancient saints and sages from every corner of the world have discovered how to hack our soul’s superpowers through a variety of ways: breath, stillness, movement. And this knowledge isn’t as unattainable as you may think. It exists inside of you, and when you learn to access this intuitive knowledge, you’ll awaken to the reality of just how powerful you’ve always been. So if you’ve been noticing signs that you’re destined for something more, destined to be a healer, don’t let society convince you otherwise. You’ve always been an energetic being. Your powers have always laid within. 

Unleashing your inner powers starts with believing they exist.

In Peter Pan, every time a child says they don’t believe in fairies, a fairy dies. That’s what happens to your magic every time you deny it. Every time you doubt yourself or suppress your true nature, you’re building up a wall between yourself and your mystical energy. You have to believe to open up the channel or you’ll never receive the gifts that are trying to reach you.

The first step to harnessing your energy is confronting your inner beliefs about yourself and the world because what we tell ourselves about how the way things are is what is reflected back to us. When you start telling yourself you’re powerful, and believing it to be true, doors will begin to open for you. You’ll begin to feel in alignment with what you’ve always known deep down. You’ll become magnetic and feel that anything is possible. So say it with us now: “I do believe in fairies. I do, I do.” And that fairy is you!

8 Ways to Harness your Energy

1. Surround yourself with high vibration people

Believing in your inner powers is a whole lot easier when you’re surrounded by people who believe as well and will remind you of such. Take a look at your circle of friends and ask yourself if the people around you lift you up or bring you down. Your friends should be like your magic carpet helping you to fly high, not keeping you tethered to the ground. If you truly want to raise your vibration and own your power, you need to surround yourself with people who inspire you, who will help you see the potential in yourself, and who will motivate you to fully realize that potential. Find yourself a mentor, trusted guides, or a soul family that you can lean on and look up to. These people will encourage you to expand your view of what’s possible so you don’t stay stuck. There’s a reason why our Soul School grads always go on to do big and bright things. It’s because they leave our containers with a supportive community behind them that’ll always challenge them to be their best selves and never settle for less. And just a reminder, we don’t bestow magic powers onto them. They come to us with those powers already inside. We just provide them with a nurturing space where they can hone them. 

2. Take an energy work course or workshop

Energy work can be practiced on your own, but learning from a knowledgeable and experienced teacher can help advance your practice. A teacher or guide can help you open up to better understand, sense, and tune into subtle energy by showing you what’s possible. A class or workshop will give you the tools and resources to turn the potential you feel buzzing at your fingertips from something abstract into something tangible. Learning how to harness your energy and build up your powers is literally like training an unused muscle. Our pineal gland, which is located deep in the middle of the brain, offers a gateway to higher awareness and consciousness; however, we’re not taught how to take care, activate, or use this important part of our anatomical and spiritual physiology. Here at Soul School, we empower you with knowledge about your subtle energy system so you can take your energy work to the next level. At our YTT, we even do a Reiki certification program so you can learn how to mutate energy to heal and elevate both yourself and others.

3. Spend time alone 

We’re constantly consuming information and media in our modern world, which makes it difficult to decipher our own voice from someone else’s. All the outside chatter can sound like TV static, becoming so loud it’s debilitating. To tune back into your inner voice, you need to tune out from the distraction. Get quiet and clear your mind to allow yourself to receive your inner broadcast. When you spend some time alone in quiet contemplation, you’ll notice the background chatter fades away and your intuition becomes louder, a compass showing you the way. Meditation is an effective tool for connecting to inner truth and to Source.  And once this happens, you’ll begin to remember that the limits you’ve placed on yourself and the restrictions you’ve put on your powers are merely illusions.

4. Live your truth

Spending time alone will help you to realize your dharma so you can begin to own your truth and fulfill your purpose. Living your truth can feel terrifying at first because it may mean going against the grain, but the more you get in the habit of embracing your authentic self, the easier it’ll become. Things will begin to feel exciting and wondrously charged because you’ll finally be stepping into the person you’re meant to become. You’ll no longer be quieting parts of yourself, which means your true powers can fully be unleashed. 

5. Get out of your head and into your body

The body is where we hold our intuitive wisdom, but the mind often gets in the way of us accessing it. The mind overwhelms us with harmful thought patterns and deeply ingrained paradigms that prevent us from seeing the magic that exists just below the surface. To get to the valuable information that’s stored in the body, you’ll need to connect to the body, learn to listen to it, and learn to trust it. The body is also where we hold a lot of trauma. Movement practices, like yoga, tai chi, ecstatic dance, etc, can help you release this trauma and shake up any stagnant energy that may be blocking your powers from getting through. Getting into the body and increasing your receptivity to its sensitivities, will give you more freedom and control over your energy. 

6. Spend time in nature

Have you ever closed your eyes to feel the wind against your face and felt invincible? The purest form of energy can be found in nature and when we spend time in nature, we come into resonance with that energy. You can feed off the healing powers of nature by going on a hike, hugging a tree, or simply letting your bare feet touch the earth. There’s nothing like being brushed by Mother Nature’s steady and omnipotent breath to remind of us of the powers we too possess.

7. Be intentional about your time, energy, and space

Your time, energy, and space are sacred and it’s important to treat them as such. If you’re not intentional with this holy trinity, holes can break through where your energy will begin to leak, drain, or be stripped away. Set boundaries when it comes to where and how you place your energy. You can’t harness your energy if it’s depleted. 

8. Pay attention to your dreams

Dreams provide a window into the soul. They bring you messages from the universe, your spirit guides, and your inner compass that can guide you on the right path; you just need to be open to listening to them. If you start writing your dreams down as soon as you wake up, you’ll begin to remember them more often and more vividly. That way, you can get better at decoding the important messages your dreams may be carrying about the path you’re on, the actions you should take, and the decisions you should make to bring you to your highest, most powerful wizard self. 


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