What is Reiki?

Understanding Reiki, its benefits, and how to become a Reiki practitioner

Reiki is an ancient form of energy work in which a practitioner uses hands-on techniques and the manipulation of energy to promote healing. Reiki was invented in Japan in the early 1900s by Mikao Usui, a student of Buddhism and Taoism, and was later brought to the West by Mrs. Hawayo Takata. The word Reiki comes from the Japanese words Rei, meaning universal, and Ki, meaning life force energy. Reiki is a holistic practice, as in it it aims to heal the person as a whole: body, emotions, mind, spirit, and energy. Because Reiki targets the source of an illness or dis-ease, it can bring long-term relief. There are many benefits of Reiki, including easing pain, relieving tension, releasing stress, improving sleep, and balancing the body’s energy centres (chakras). Though many sacred healing arts are disdained by modern medicine, Reiki is actually used in many Canadian medical settings, like hospitals and palliative care centres, as a complimentary form of treatment.

During a Reiki session, a patient usually lies on a massage table clothed while a Reiki practitioner guides their hands over the patient’s body. The practitioner uses their hands to transfer energy, release blockages, and stimulate a healthy flow of energy in the body. The practitioner may use a gentle touch, or sometimes no touch at all. Patients often feel relaxed during and after the session. You may also experience a feeling of release or warm and tinly sensations as energy moves through the body.

How to Become a Reiki Practitioner

To become a Reiki practitioner, you must learn how to harness energy. Essentially, Reiki practitioners are conduits for energy. Practicing Reiki makes you more sensitive and open to subtle energy, making it a valuable practice for anyone who is interested in advancing their ability to heal themselves and others. The history and knowledge of Reiki is passed from a Reiki Master onto their student, beginning with an attunement, which opens up the student’s energy channels. There are 3 levels of Reiki practitioners: level 1, level 2, and level 3 (Reiki Master then Reiki Master Teacher). In level 1, a practitioner can practice on themselves and others using touch. In level 2, a practitioner can practice from a distance without touch. In level 3, a practitioner can initiate attunement ceremonies and begin passing their knowledge on to others.

Become a Reiki practitioner with Soul School!

Our upcoming YTT in Mexico includes an incredible immersive Reiki course led by Adayna Janelle, our Lead Reiki Master Teacher, Guide & Co-founder of Soul School Yoga. The course includes your attunement, manual, and certificate. Soul School’s Reiki program is suitable for all levels of practice. Whether you’re just beginning on your path in energy work or you’re comfortably established in your practice, our time together will bring you to new levels of connection with source. Constant in person and group work paired with dynamic visualization meditations is what sets Soul School’s Reiki program apart from the rest. During the program, you’ll learn:

  • How to use Reiki as a healing and personal growth system

  • Understand Reiki and how it has changed over time

  • Perform Reiki sessions with the intention of addressing all areas of life

  • Learn how to visualize the locations of the chakra energy system in the body

  • Learn guided techniques to help you access intuition

  • Learn how to perform complete Reiki sessions on yourself and others

  • Learn and practice how to ground your energy and clear your energetic fields

  • Learn and practice how to draw protective light grids

  • Further develop your spiritual gifts

“Most people haven’t learned to make the the space or time in their lives to practice their hands on healing work. This immersive program, ensures that you are keeping up with your daily practice, but also pushes you to new levels of expansion by practicing with all levels of Reiki Healers. If you are just starting out.. you are working with Reiki Masters from day one, and if you are a Reiki Master.. you are able to fully step into your role as leader and guide throughout the program.” -Adayna Janelle, Reiki Master Teacher 

Book now to join us in Mexico this fall and become a RYT and certified Reiki practitioner!


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