The Divine BOSS.

Now a days we see more spiritually aligned women tapping into their power and emotional intelligence to close the dopest negotiati0ns, win the sickest business deals, recruit a powerful and ambitious team- and doing it all with peace in their back pocket.

Yup, I resonate.

It’s no joke that being a Women in business is a hard shtick. Our unevolved masculine can start to take the reins and make everything tight and rigid.

But the power of the divine feminine is not to push and shove its way to success, but receive, relax and let things flow to us.

Now, this doesnt happen with out a little inspired action but that’s why we must do things that bring us joy and puts us in a magnetic energy field. When we are peaceful and aligned with the work that we do- the work we do, works for us. Creating and attracting a vortex of abundance to bring us more.

Try this mantra:


Thank you,

More Please.

To help affirm when you are getting what you want in life. Those moments when you feel light, free, and expansive.

But what do we do when we simply don’t want to?

Lol - TRUTH and GOOD question. You are only as fast as your slowest runner. Look around at the people who run in your pack and start see who you can lean on/who tends to always lean on you? Make your relationships lighter, tighter and more meaningful. Find your hype management to help keep you inspired and on your path as you may experience those dips and lows/ebbs and flows.

Divine Boss Ladies tend to run with Divine Boss Ladies.
Try attending an event or social such as The Sister Circle every full and new moon held at Oblong Yoga House, Toronto. A chance to meet and become inspired but some dope Women.

How do I find time? I feel so busy and overwhelmed to accomplish ALL the great ideas I have.

Start small. Find moments at the beginning of your day that you have been wasting on social media or hitting snooze.

Sign up for something like a yoga class, body work or ice bath/sauna. The financial investment makes you more accountable but also aids in your health. Oblong Yoga has a wide range of yoga classes and healthy social events. Taking time for your health will always make you more affective and productive to the tasks at hand. So schedule in a class or retreat just for you, invest in your future and surrender to the path you have desgined for your higher self.

Lastly, say no to more things that aren’t alignment with your physical, mental or spiritual growth.

Deep connections come from deep vulnerability and shared experiences. Soul School provides a safe container for people to go deep into the subconscious mind and rewrite the story they have been telling.

Check out our retreats and traings when your’e ready for the deep dive.

Mother Mountain

Spiritual Teacher


Spiritually Livin’ In The Matrix.


Ayahuasca & Cultural Appropriation-How to Honour the Medicine.