Why You Still Aren’t Happy

Lets face it, you can eat all the kales, drink all the water, walk 10km steps a day…and your still going to die one day …so?

So you did it, you made the salary to make your family happy, you did the yoga class to to satisfy your body but now you look around your home and start to ask the irrelevant questions of, what house plant could make that corner more fung shuied? What restaurant will make me feel fabulous and noticed? What clothing should I buy and how do I make time to slow down?

The problem with the life we were sold is it only works on repeat. Sure repetition makes us a pro at things and brings us comfort, even the guarantee of a pay increase next year but having the same experience over and over is exactly what makes time feel like it’s speeding right past us. 

How can we find new in the ordinary?

How can we discover knew parts of ourselves when we aren’t doing anything different?

To do the same thing over and over and expect different results is the definition of insanity”


 We don’t want to be totally out of control, but playing off of the interests we are already curious about and going that one % deeper is what opens the channels for the soul to speak to you. It also makes your comfort zone extremely big and thus you relax back into into new and old experiences with ease and presence. This ensures you are getting the most out of your time here on earth, intentions and life.

If you aren’t sure where to start, start by doing something that is totally different from what you would normally do, just for one day.

Say yes to the date (or no if that’s what you wouldn’t normally do)

Go to a different cafe, maybe even in a different city.

Go on a date by yourself - go on a date with your mom/dad

Get creative with something you suck at, and just play and let yourself suck- whether its dancing, painting, singing- if you can do something you suck at with confidence - imagine doing the things you are really great at?!?!?!

Just don’t be scared to step outside your comfort zone, or the comfort zone society has so conveniently made for you.

Live free, live big, bold and beautifully.

Our retreat experiences are just that, a little taste of everything you’ve been curious about, with a helping hand along the way.

Founded on the principals of yoga, guided by the ancient wisdom of energy healing reiki, and supported by the medicine of community.

Join us for our next experience as we co-host with La Madre in beautiful Italy, Sardina.

Mother Mountain

Spiritual Teacher


What is Reiki and how does it work?


5 Tips To Prepare you for your Yoga Retreat